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Hrajete na zobcovou flétnu, ale často narážíte na problémy v technice hry, které vás brzdí?

Kromě svého hlavního nástroje učíte také na zobcovou flétnu, ale neměli jste možnost se ve hře na ni někde vzdělat?

Bojíte se hrát na veřejnosti, protože se při hře necítíte jistě?

Máte nejasnosti proč a jak se používá artikulace a další prostředky při práci s výrazem na zobcovou flétnu?

Přejete si, aby vám  zobcová flétna zněla krásně a čistě.


Rádi byste získali jistou prstovou techniku, abyste si mohli zahrát jakoukoliv skladbu.


Chcete se při hře cítit příjemně a uvolněně.

Chcete, aby se i pro vás zobcová flétna stala nástrojem, na který budete rádi hrát i vyučovat.

Mám pro vás řešení!

Pro to, abyste se mohli naučit hrát na zobcovou flétnu, nemusíte jezdit na kurzy do vzdálených míst, dávat svůj čas a náklady na cestu, ubytování a stravu.


Nemusíte přečíst spousty metodických příruček.


Učte se z pohodlí domova a získejte nejen dostatek zkušeností, ale také inspirace od dalších kurzistů, kteří také chtějí mít jistotu při hře na flétnu.

Zvládnete teorii i praxi potřebnou pro vaši hru či výuku.

Dostanete odpovědi na vaše otázky, kdykoli se potřebujete zeptat.

To vše můžete získat v novém 10 týdenním online kurzu Základy hry na zobcovou flétnu.

I have been playing the recorder since childhood and after graduating in flute from the Conservatory in Brno, I devoted myself professionally. I visited courses and seminars such as the Summer School of Early Music in Prachatice, and took private lessons in the Netherlands with Heiko ter Schegget (Utrechts Conservatorium). I graduated from Masaryk University in the Theory and Practice of Ancient Music. I completed a course with Peter Holtslag at Hochschule für Music und Theater Hamburg and continued my studies with him at the Akademia Muzyczna in Cracow, where I earned a master’s degree. Afterwards, I studied recorder with Carin van Heerden at Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz (2011–2013). 
Studying abroad with these amazing teachers and flutist was very complex and enriching experience. I feel the need to continue and to pass this on to my students.

Postoj, držení nástroje a uvolnění při hře

Vše o dechu

Zvuk nástroje

Artikulace a jak ji používat

Prstová technika

I have been playing the recorder since childhood and after graduating in flute from the Conservatory in Brno, I devoted myself professionally. I visited courses and seminars such as the Summer School of Early Music in Prachatice, and took private lessons in the Netherlands with Heiko ter Schegget (Utrechts Conservatorium). I graduated from Masaryk University in the Theory and Practice of Ancient Music. I completed a course with Peter Holtslag at Hochschule für Music und Theater Hamburg and continued my studies with him at the Akademia Muzyczna in Cracow, where I earned a master’s degree. Afterwards, I studied recorder with Carin van Heerden at Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz (2011–2013). 
Studying abroad with these amazing teachers and flutist was very complex and enriching experience. I feel the need to continue and to pass this on to my students.
I have been playing the recorder since childhood and after graduating in flute from the Conservatory in Brno, I devoted myself professionally. I visited courses and seminars such as the Summer School of Early Music in Prachatice, and took private lessons in the Netherlands with Heiko ter Schegget (Utrechts Conservatorium). I graduated from Masaryk University in the Theory and Practice of Ancient Music. I completed a course with Peter Holtslag at Hochschule für Music und Theater Hamburg and continued my studies with him at the Akademia Muzyczna in Cracow, where I earned a master’s degree. Afterwards, I studied recorder with Carin van Heerden at Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz (2011–2013). 
Studying abroad with these amazing teachers and flutist was very complex and enriching experience. I feel the need to continue and to pass this on to my students.

Nejste-li si jistí, zda je kurz vhodný i pro vás, neváhejte mne kontaktovat.

Emailem ( či telefonicky 724 031 306. Ráda s vámi vše proberu.

I have been playing the recorder since childhood and after graduating in flute from the Conservatory in Brno, I devoted myself professionally. I visited courses and seminars such as the Summer School of Early Music in Prachatice, and took private lessons in the Netherlands with Heiko ter Schegget (Utrechts Conservatorium). I graduated from Masaryk University in the Theory and Practice of Ancient Music. I completed a course with Peter Holtslag at Hochschule für Music und Theater Hamburg and continued my studies with him at the Akademia Muzyczna in Cracow, where I earned a master’s degree. Afterwards, I studied recorder with Carin van Heerden at Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz (2011–2013). 
Studying abroad with these amazing teachers and flutist was very complex and enriching experience. I feel the need to continue and to pass this on to my students.
I have been playing the recorder since childhood and after graduating in flute from the Conservatory in Brno, I devoted myself professionally. I visited courses and seminars such as the Summer School of Early Music in Prachatice, and took private lessons in the Netherlands with Heiko ter Schegget (Utrechts Conservatorium). I graduated from Masaryk University in the Theory and Practice of Ancient Music. I completed a course with Peter Holtslag at Hochschule für Music und Theater Hamburg and continued my studies with him at the Akademia Muzyczna in Cracow, where I earned a master’s degree. Afterwards, I studied recorder with Carin van Heerden at Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz (2011–2013). 
Studying abroad with these amazing teachers and flutist was very complex and enriching experience. I feel the need to continue and to pass this on to my students.

Jsem profesionální hráčka a lektorka hry na zobcové flétny. Baví mě vytvářet vlastní a originální projekty, věnuji se také improvizaci a vlastní tvorbě.
​Flétnová studia v zahraničí se špičkovými profesory byla pro mne jedinečnou zkušeností, ze které stále čerpám a s radostí předávám dalším.
Flétnu učím přes 20 let na ZUŠ a přes 10 let na brněnské konzervatoři. Od roku 2021 pořádám kurzy online, ve kterých se můžete naučit nejen techniku hry, improvizovat, ale hlavně načerpat novou motivaci, aby vás hraní či učení bavilo.

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I have been playing the recorder since childhood and after graduating in flute from the Conservatory in Brno, I devoted myself professionally. I visited courses and seminars such as the Summer School of Early Music in Prachatice, and took private lessons in the Netherlands with Heiko ter Schegget (Utrechts Conservatorium). I graduated from Masaryk University in the Theory and Practice of Ancient Music. I completed a course with Peter Holtslag at Hochschule für Music und Theater Hamburg and continued my studies with him at the Akademia Muzyczna in Cracow, where I earned a master’s degree. Afterwards, I studied recorder with Carin van Heerden at Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz (2011–2013). 
Studying abroad with these amazing teachers and flutist was very complex and enriching experience. I feel the need to continue and to pass this on to my students.
I have been playing the recorder since childhood and after graduating in flute from the Conservatory in Brno, I devoted myself professionally. I visited courses and seminars such as the Summer School of Early Music in Prachatice, and took private lessons in the Netherlands with Heiko ter Schegget (Utrechts Conservatorium). I graduated from Masaryk University in the Theory and Practice of Ancient Music. I completed a course with Peter Holtslag at Hochschule für Music und Theater Hamburg and continued my studies with him at the Akademia Muzyczna in Cracow, where I earned a master’s degree. Afterwards, I studied recorder with Carin van Heerden at Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz (2011–2013). 
Studying abroad with these amazing teachers and flutist was very complex and enriching experience. I feel the need to continue and to pass this on to my students.

Nevíte zda je právě pro vás kurz vhodný? Máte nějaké další dotazy ke kurzu? Zavolejte mi, ráda s vámi vše proberu.

I have been playing the recorder since childhood and after graduating in flute from the Conservatory in Brno, I devoted myself professionally. I visited courses and seminars such as the Summer School of Early Music in Prachatice, and took private lessons in the Netherlands with Heiko ter Schegget (Utrechts Conservatorium). I graduated from Masaryk University in the Theory and Practice of Ancient Music. I completed a course with Peter Holtslag at Hochschule für Music und Theater Hamburg and continued my studies with him at the Akademia Muzyczna in Cracow, where I earned a master’s degree. Afterwards, I studied recorder with Carin van Heerden at Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz (2011–2013). 
Studying abroad with these amazing teachers and flutist was very complex and enriching experience. I feel the need to continue and to pass this on to my students.
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